Company Policy
The Top Management of EUROPEA 92 SpA in the person of the sole director Eng. Alessandro Santini, having taken on the commitment and determination to operate in accordance with a constant improvement in the level of sustainability, towards all the interested parties, has decided to adopt an Integrated System compliant with UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015, UNI EN ISO 14001: 2015, OHSAS 18001: 2007, UNI EN UNI ISO 39001: 2016 and to adopt an Organizational Model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231: 2001 in order to regulate all organizational and technical activities of the entire integrated system in a systematic, planned and documented way in order to:
- Achieve full satisfaction of its customers and interested parties;
- Achieve a high level of reliability, safety, and cost-effectiveness of the works carried out in full compliance with the contractual requirements, the laws, the rules and regulations in force;
- Increase professionalism, improving portrayed external image;
- Improve the relationship between company and employees and between company and clients;
- Respect the current environmental and safety legislation;
- Engaging in prevention, including pollution, giving preference to behaviour and analysis aimed at identifying causes of accidents, potential injuries, accidents and near accidents in the field of environment and safety;
- Engage in the involvement of human resources in the areas of quality, environment, company safety and road safety using the appropriate tools provided by the system;
- Make available the resources and tools necessary to ensure that the management system identified by the organization can be effectively applied and that the expected objectives and the related implementation programs are defined and disseminated within the company;
- Provide for the training of its collaborators, involving them to achieve shared improvement objectives;
- Follow the provisions of the applicable regulations (9001-14001-18001-39001 and MOG);
- Manage transfers through an advanced planning system;
- Use the latest generation vehicles and keep them in excellent functional condition;
- Ensure the psycho-physical well-being of the drivers;
- Raise awareness among staff and other interested parties regarding the environment, company safety and road safety.
In light of the aforementioned objectives, the company shall:
- Adopt and make best use of methodologies and best practices in matters of quality, environment, company and road safety;
- Ensure that company policy is supported at all levels of the organization.
- Involve and educate the staff at all company levels to hone the skills and professionalism of each employee;
- Provide the necessary resources to achieve the objectives;
- Plan to coordinate and monitor information, programs, work phases;
- Continuously update technologies, materials and production processes on the basis of market demand and availability;
- Commit to the endeavour of eliminating fatalities and serious injuries in accidents, including road accidents;
Review the management system at least annually during the Management Review.